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Help Us Recognize
America's Top Physician Associates!

America's Top Nomination Submission Form

Thank you for taking the time to recognize an exceptional PA! All nominations will be reviewed and selections for America’s Top PA will be announced on this website and in the healthcare media in October. Preference will be given to peer nominations, so if you are a PA (or other licensed clinician) be sure to list your current NPI number – it would help show peer support of your nominee.

You may submit multiple nominations, just please complete each nomination (should take approximately 5 minutes per completed nomination form).

About Your Nominee

America’s Top PAs should have demonstrated exceptional support in patient care, leadership and peer support. Please select from the below up to three attributes your nominee possesses. You will be asked to provide more detail supporting your choices.*

Please take a moment to explain or provide further detail supporting your choice(s) above:

About You

A valid email address is required from all nominating clinicians. Emails will not be published or sold.
Although an NPI is not required, they are used to validate peer nominations which are prioritized over general nominations.

By submitting this form, you grant POCN permission to contact your nominee and to use the information you provided about your nominee publicly (e.g. in a press release to announce your nominee's appointment as an America's Top PA).

About POCN

As the largest community of its kind, POCN was built specifically to provide NPs and PAs with peer-reviewed resources to LEARN, EARN, CARE and CONNECT. These resources and tools are free of charge and have been vetted by an editorial board of advanced clinicians. To learn more, please visit us at

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