Patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) experience musculoskeletal symptoms such as joint, tendon, or ligament pain as the most burdensome, and therapy interventions that enhance the ability to perform physical functions are important, researchers found. Their results were reported in Rheumatology and Therapy.

The study enrolled 332 individuals (94% White, 80% female, mean age, 54 years) from the ArthritisPower registry who completed a web-based survey. The investigators assessed relevant burden of 11 PsA-related symptoms and the relative importance of 9 PsA-related impacts using object case best-worst scaling (BWS). In addition to assessing symptoms and disease impacts, the investigators analyzed preferences for mode and frequency of treatment administration by evaluating whether the patients preferred an oral tablet or injection, and how often. They also explored preferences for methotrexate treatment.

According to the study results, BWS for disease impacts indicated that patients most desire improvement in their ability to perform daily physical activities. Patients with PsA also want the ability to function independently and sleep well. Moreover, the analysis showed that the most preferred method of treatment was oral, and the preferred frequency of treatment was once-daily medication. Additionally, the study showed that the majority of respondents (65%) preferred treatment regimens without methotrexate.

The investigators concluded their findings can inform drug development and promote shared decision-making to optimize patient priorities.

Reference: Ogdie A, Myers K, Mansfield C, et al. Experiences and treatment preferences in patients with psoriatic arthritis: a cross-sectional study in the ArthritisPower registry. Rheumatol Ther. 2022;9:735-751. doi:10.1007/s40744-022-00436-x
